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At Ceyras, a new aquatic sport called “Le Tubing” on a water buoy in the river is a sport that’s practised individually. In relaxed mode or sporty, let yourself go to the rhythm of the currents and play with your imagination. An activity practised alone, in a couple or with friends, family or in a group. Picnicking is possible on the banks of the river, wine tasting on arrival, with street-food, local drinks.


  • Motorway - A 75, sortie 57 : 6,1km
  • Motorway - A 750, sortie 57 : 3,5km
Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de FranceVignobles et Découvertes


Chemins des Horts
34800 CEYRAS

GPS coordinates : 43.6444919 / 3.4517897

Means of communication

  • Cell phone : +33 6 24 98 00 45
  • obouees@gmail.com
  • https://www.obouees.com


from 02/07/2024 to 30/09/2024


  • Picnic area
  • Bar
  • Packed lunch
  • Parking
  • Private parking
  • Snack
  • Terrace
  • WC/Sanitary facilitie


Adult rate 26,00€
Child rate 21,00€
Family rate 34,00€

Payment possibilities

  • American Express
  • Credit card
  • Payment cards
  • Gift vouchers (F)
  • Holiday vouchers (F)
  • Cash
  • Money transfers
  • Visa

Spoken languages



Reception of groups : yes
Number of persons : de 16 à 60