Terralada was born from a passion for outdoor activities and wide open spaces, combined with a desire to pass on years of experience in high-level sport and coaching.
Experience life, sharing and conviviality with the electric scooters and giant paddles.
32 avenue de Pézenas
GPS coordinates : 43.4398670 / 3.43988530
from 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024
Week-ends, holidays and public holidays
Reception of groups : yes
Number of persons : de 6 à 40
Venez découvrir les balades TroT Dégustation, TroT Gourmande ou TroT Trip pour partager des moments de convivialité et vous ressourcer auprès de la nature (de Castelnau de Guers à Pézenas, Roujan, Marseillan, Mèze, Bouzigues...).